Well, I finally got net connection by the day of the burn. I haven't sorted through photos yet, but Heidi and I got some really good ones.
OK, so I have to say it. The best dance club on the planet is The Root Society at Burning Man. It's located at 10:00 and Esplanade. However, when I told some people at camp that it was run by the founder of Monster.com, I was told by two people, "he doesn't want anyone to know that." Hmmm....I learned because it was in an article in the Boston Phoenix. He was interviewed. Not keeping his own secret very well, is he?
Anyway, his dance club is great.
Vegas was *hot*. I know what I said in a previous post, but it was *hot*, *hot*, *hot*. The temp hit 109 when we were driving to Vegas from Zion. It was 106 in Vegas. It even felt uncomfortably hot when walking around just before dawn.
The trailer's cover has holes/tears (but was OK), two sky domes are busted (were already), the sewer drain valve is broken (was already), the toilet is busted and unusable (new). And a few other random annoyances. Par for the course. I hope to engage someone out here to fix them over the next two years (we will most likely not go to Burning Man next year).
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